May 12, 2024

10 thoughts on “The data is in — stop the panic and end the isolation

  1. Plenty of data here, showing the coronahoax for what it is. This pantomime has unfolded much as I expected back in April 2020. Now we find ourselves in the Vacci-Nation of Ozcatraz. The gormless, clueless Berejiklian was a standout Quisling of the Week in the usual crowded field last week. The mentally- and vowel-challenged NZ “Health” Minister, who wants to hunt down any Kiwis who remain unquaxxed by year’s end, has put his hand up for this week’s award. Ever since March 2020 there have been hordes of “leaders”, “health” officials, presstitutes et al who have scrambled to win this award.

    These traitors must surely be encouraged by the overall lack of courage evident in most Australians in the face off this global psy-op atrocity. A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves.

  2. Unfortunately the panic will not stop and neither will the isolation until the agenda is fully reached. It may change from one reason to another, viz. Climate Change but will not stop. They need the fear and the lies. This is unfortunately what many people do not seem to understand. The wheels were placed in motion in 2020 after the agenda had been carefully put in place for decades let alone centuries and will not stop. 2020 (XX-XX) is also a significant number in the Freemasonry as part of their numerology. One just has to look at their emblem to know.

    ( “X Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion – by Altiyan Childs” – on YT, also gives a very accurate description of the world of freemasonry and their aim. )

    Stopping now, though will mean that firstly those in top places in every fact of life, who are all part of Freemasonry, will be exposed. Secondly once exposed they will be most likely killed by those who have been under their oppressive powers for so long. Thirdly, if they do not want to pay the price for their treason, those responsible will have to admit their wrong doing and make amends, something they will never admit to nor will they do, as most of them have already crossed the line of no-return. Therefore they have to push forward.

    The final agenda, is indeed the forced SUN-day of rest and a raging war against the true Christians. It is coming soon to a town near you and to this world. I do not believe that anything will change or stop, no matter how hard humanity tries as this is not a battle against flesh and blood but against spiritualities, against the power of darkness. We seem to have entered the final phase of the great battle. If GOD is for us who can be against us? He will fight the battle on our behalf if we trust him.

  3. Unfortunately the panic will not stop and neither will the isolation until the agenda is fully reached. It may change from one reason to another, viz. Climate Change but will not stop. They need the fear and the lies. This is unfortunately what many people do not seem to understand. The wheels were placed in motion in 2020 after the agenda had been carefully put in place for decades let alone centuries and will not stop. 2020 (XX-XX) is also a significant number in the Freemasonry as part of their numerology. One just has to look at their emblem to know.

    ( “X Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion – by Altiyan Childs” – also gives a very accurate description of the world of freemasonry and their aim. )

    Stopping now, though will mean that firstly those in top places in every fact of life, who are all part of Freemasonry, will be exposed. Secondly once exposed they will be most likely killed by those who have been under their oppressive powers for so long. Thirdly, if they do not want to pay the price for their treason, those responsible will have to admit their wrong doing and make amends, something they will never admit to nor will they do, as most of them have already crossed the line of no-return. Therefore they have to push forward.

    The final agenda, is indeed the forced SUN-day of rest and a raging war against the true Christians. It is coming soon to a town near you and to this world. I do not believe that anything will change or stop, no matter how hard humanity tries as this is not a battle against flesh and blood but against spiritualities, against the power of darkness. We seem to have entered the final phase of the great battle. If GOD is for us who can be against us? He will fight the battle on our behalf if we trust him.

  4. Profound wisdom from Legitan07, as usual. Yes, war against the “true Christians”. Clearly this does not include folk like our PM (who wants to covax us all into oblivion at the behest of his globalist-parasite masters) or the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, a former banker who is comfortable supping at the table of the Satanist, Lord Rothschild and who now has $17 trillion to spend on “climate change” but nothing to repair and maintain all those great old parish churches in the UK.

  5. Historical – 1St Century A.D; ‘When ‘Good Citizens’ DO NOTHING, then only THE WICKED, ARE LEFT, RULING ROME!’
    Previous ‘finger Pointers’ of ‘Historic Germany’, Currently [Believing because of my ‘Age’ & Observancies], in ‘Conversation; ask me ‘WHY’, THE German population ‘Never’ offered ‘resistance’ to the NAZI Regime of the day. I retort, “What have YOU, ‘observed’, of YOUR Current Situational environment [CON JOB 19], AND ACTUALLY DONE, to ‘Research & Understand THE NONSENSE OF GOVERNMENT/ THEIR ‘Betrayal Of Citizens’ [Incl. Themselves], The ‘Linkage to Vested Interests of ‘Governments & THE Agencies, THE Zero ‘Oversight’ of This Cabal’ [While they turn themselves inside out, for the NEO Technocrats, & Understanding the ‘FULLY Bought Sciences?” – Blankness Ensues.
    ME – Better to Die on Your feet, AS A MAN [LMFBQXYZ NOT Excused], Than to EXIST on Your knees for Eternity (YOURS), under the NEW JACKBOOT OF OUR TIMES!
    & just for Adolph Hitler references & ‘State/ Media Leverage’ – Parents & Grand parents – Heads Up! Inform/ Culture, YOUR offspring, THEY DO NOT BELONG TO , THE STATE! NEITHER DO YOU!
    “THE STATE must declare THE Child to be the Most precious treasure of The people. As long as THE Government is perceived as working for THE Benefit of THE Children, the People will endure almost ANY Curtailment of Liberty and almost Any Deprivation!”
    “It is the Press (M S Media), ABOVE ALL, which wages a Positively Fanatical & Slanderous Struggle, Tearing down Everything which can be Regarded as a Support of National Independence, Cultural elevation, AND the Economic Independence of the Nation!!”
    Wellness to US.

  6. There is no virus!

    The PCR tests are bogus!

    The theory of virology is false as is germ theory!

    Dr. Stefan Lanka en el “WISSENSCHAFFTPLUS – Das Magazin” de 6/2015 – Dismantling the Virus Theory. 4 pages.

    ‘The Contagion Myth. Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease’ by Dr. Thomas S. Cowan, MD y Sally Fallon Morell [2020]. 246 pages.–jzkzRu4q-6_bZm_nYckw/view?usp=sharing

    Need to get Fluoride out of the water.

    Although it could be more costly financially speaking, maybe continual Public Humiliation, Hard Labour and NO Social Contact with Family would be the best form of punishment for the psychopathic parasites responsible for all of these crimes against humanity whether it be for Fluoride in the water, Vaccine Agendas, Eugenics, corrupt monetary systems and so on and so forth.

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