May 13, 2024

13 thoughts on “Israel and NSW sign ‘historic’ water agreement

  1. “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

    Letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx, 1879.

    Non-exhaustive list of people in Australia and other countries who secretly have Jewish ancestry and who secretly identify as Jewish. Scott Morrison is one of them.

    1. It was the vast freshwater aquifers of Patagonia that formed the foundation of “The Andinia Plan”. “Greater Israel” is not where people think. Why settle for a poxy bit of desert when you have already bought up half a continent?

      1. Indeed, it’s a perfect landmass, due to its far remoteness, distance & special location. This is the area, where they are able to escape & run away too.

        Princess Diana did not circumcise her sons & she stood up to the Queen.
        Unknown to most people, the Queen herself is secretly Jewish too, or a Crypto Jew that is.

        No doubt that’s part of the reason, if not the main reason, that they assassinated Diana later.

      2. Indeed, it’s a perfect area, due to its far remoteness, distance & special location. This is the area, where they are able to escape & run away too.

        Princess Diana did not circumcise her sons & she stood up to the Queen.
        Unknown to most people, the Queen herself is secretly Jewish too, or a Crypto Jew that is.

        No doubt that’s part of the reason, if not the main reason, that they assassinated Diana later.

    2. Everyone CALL this traitor Melinda Paveyand, and ask through freedom of information the Deal she signed Without the Peoples permission with criminal Israel !

  2. NO! > NO! > NO! To put our scarce precious water resources in the hands of any foreign state . is TREACHERY! . much less then that of a rogue criminal state . this is another sell out by crypto Jew (khazar) . TRAITORS like Morrison . very conveniently signed at the time of the bush fires . nefariously . deliberately started ! the MOU . must be rescinded IMMEDIATELY ! .AWAKEN AUSTRALIA . It’s blatant in our face . . PROBLEM>REACTION>SOLUTION . these traitorous parasites inside our Country must leave for Israel . their true home.
    Beloved God will give them their just karmic deserts .

    The Synagogue of Satan Revealed! .

    Remember, we are immortal spiritual beings, prodigal souls, having a transitory human experience . in Beloveds human kindergarten . for soul evolvement . we cannot be a positive ensouled human BE ing . if we are doing harm to others . rather Meditate on the path of . Awareness . Awakening . Understanding . Compassion . Forgiveness . Unconditional Love.

  3. There is no need for this at all !! Stop selling our water to the highest bidder you bunch of corrupt criminals & leave it here for our farmers and rural towns to survive

  4. Israel did 911 and our diggers were used as cannon fodder for the woeful and criminal state of Israel , it is a disgrace , and I want freedom for Palestine the worlds largest outdoor prison , Get out of our country Israel , we don’t want you we don’t like you and we Aussies not jews run this country despite the traitors that are in our government Jews will not replace us . THe true Gods Israel is no where to be seen but retarded parasites , think it is both Biblical and Prophetic what a disgrace those people are betraying God and the truth .

  5. Perhaps they’ll advise NSW to occupy a foreign country and steal its water, although Golan is a bit closer than Niu Guinea.

    1. That’s True! Israel ‘Targeted’ the Golan Height’s & it’s Basalt aquifers, Early in the (1967- ‘6 Day War’ – With ‘Support’ from – THANK YOU AGAIN U.S.ers) & Occupation of PALESTINE’s Golan for ‘Water Security’ – FOR ISRAEL ONLY, along with The Sinai/ West Bank & East Jerusalem! (Also same Period, Israel/(Vast U.S.Military supplied), Knocked the Shit out of Egypt [Pre-emptive Strikes{NOT a ‘Day of IMFAMY’ apparently, Just Like ‘Iraq’ Invasion Pre Emptive strikes – which means Pearl Harbour IS Bull shit!}], & Jordan & Syria Lost Ground & Personnel, after entering same conflict! Wonder how that’s working for them, Today? ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY!
      Australia; Getting ‘Tips’ on How to ‘Keep an OCCUPIED LAND & REPRESSION’ – You can’t beat ISRAEL. I guess the ZIONIST NAZIS, just ‘Relocated the Ghettos’!! -Tilt Panel Concrete ‘Ring walls’ Inclusive!
      Note; All references to ‘Countries’ are references to the Political C.O.M.I.C. only, with All Population Groups, generally under the Same Geo Political Tyranny ‘Models’!
      Last; ‘Somewhere’ in the Constitution (Currently, according to the Major Australian Politic, this Document is trotted out, as some form of ‘Abused Comic’), it states “NO Government of the Day, shall sell of a Part or the Whole thereof of THE COMMON WEALTH’! – SO, WHERE are the Legal Pratts, who ARE suppose to put the Political DOGS, BACK into their Kennels, AND, ‘Remind THEM’, that THEY, are JUST, ‘PUBLIC SERVANTS’!
      Otherwise, THE Population, can Whimper all they like, WHEN they get the Governments ‘THEY DESERVE’!
      Wellness to US!

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