May 12, 2024

18 thoughts on “Calls for Queensland to reinstate mandatory water fluoridation

  1. How interesting is it that Doctors and Dentists want fluoridation back, keeps their business going. Love to see the statistics how much less Queenslanders need to go to the dentist, must be a short wait list not like other states. Good thing is that small businesses that sell water filtration will go up. I use Filteroo which has a ceramic filter to get fluoride out, not all of them do, so check first before buying.

  2. ANOTHER ‘BUNCH OF MONDAY’S EXPERTS’ – Dentists & THE Quack Industrial CONplex!
    Baseline ‘Science’ ( CONsendSuss ISN’T required), Flouride, IS a Byproduct of The Nuclear/ Heavy Industrial Fertilizer/ Alumina Processing Industries. IT, IS NOT ALLOWED TO ENVIRONMENT – Environmental Protection Agency. ADDED to Water, it is in the Form of FLUOROSILICIC ACID. THE Company’s SDS ( Safety Data Sheet) DOES NOT recommend Adding to Drinking water, NOR ‘Releases to Environment, Nor placement down drains – Something the Water Corporations – who Drink ‘Bottled Water’ in their Administration offices (LOL- PRATTS), Seem UNABLE to ‘Read’. As a ‘Back-Up Plan, The ‘Illness’ Dept, Sorry, – Health NOT Dept, Signed the O.K. for Dissolving of Said TOXIC waste Products, into the Population’s Drinking Water = MASS MEDICATION – AGAINST the Nuremberg Kodex ( Code) – AGAIN!!
    The Swan River 2 Step; So the Water Corporations Blame The Health Dept, The Health Dept Tells the Nation – To see the Corporates Inserting The Chemical cocktail, The CALM groups ( Call Another Land Manager), don’t give a Toss about Chemical Deployments thru the Larger Environment, NOR Federal/State/Local Govts – Apologies once again! Federal Nor State Governments – I am Yet to Find ‘Legality’ in the 3rd Tier of Government INSIDE OF OUR ‘Constitution’. Whoops, just about forgot ‘Our’ Broad ENVIRONMENTAL Oversight Crew – the EPA, as with ALL affairs & a good Govt Baton holder, Insert Cranials into Rectal orifice & Site United Nation’s references.
    Back to the Toxic waste. FREE RELEASE- UNCONTROLLED into the Environment = NO EPA reactions!! So now, ALL of the Birds/ Bees/ Insects/farm & Domestic animals {Humans inclusive, are STILL Animals – NOT a Plant or Vegetable – Maybe} For Those on Scheme Systems, GET THE DOSE!
    For those Into Growing your own produce, Up To 75% of the Fl is up-taken & ‘Stored in the Plant’ = You EAT IT!
    Further, Ingestion of Haloids ( Flouride/Bromide) as we’ve discussed before, ‘Suitcases’ Passed the Blood-Brain barrier, Alumina into the Brain, CAUSING motor Neuron issues = Autism/ Alzheimers Etc. PLUS, other incapacitations- Just as Plants, WE absorb said Flourides & Store Up to 70>75% in our Skeletal Structure- Weakening that Bone structure & Repressions of Deconstruction/ Re-Manufacturing Bone density processes. Enter Osteoporosis.
    Last; Just as Calorie Diets are a Myth ( we DO NOT have ‘Onboard’ Calorie receptors), So is ‘Flouride’ Ingestion for Oral ‘Support’! Oral Hygiene/ Dietary Intake & to a certain extent Ancestral Genetics ARE the contributors to Dental issues. ‘Dentists @ Large who support ‘Flouridation’ Are Naive – OR, MORONS! To Them; Grab an anatomical Map. SEE that Most of the Flouridated water BYPASSES the teeth & ends up in your Stomach/Gut- Along with the Chlorine AND ALUMNA ( Put in water for ‘Turbidity – Clarity & Antiflocking), killing off Flora & bacteria ‘required’ for Digestive process. SAID dentists MAY ‘Notice’, for the WUNDERBAR Flouride to Return to the Cranial structure, it HAS TO go via the Bloods – Including THRU the Skeletal structure & every organ supplied by the Marvellous bloods- Chances of getting to the ‘Teeth’? ZIP! But IT DOES get everywhere else! The Water soluble Flouride is @ 1 – 2 ppm ( Parts Per Million). Topical Applications Direct to Teeth, via Toothpastes & Dental Products, range from 12,000 > 32,000 ppm = So ‘Topical applications’, if Anyone ‘Believes’ this Crap, MUST BE THE GO! ALL OF THE REST OF THE POLITICAL/ CORPORATE SPIN – IS BOLLOX!
    ‘Storage faciliTies’. Imagine if the Corporates had to ‘Store’ said Waste Products – Containment/ Physical Bulk sizes/ Oversight/ Costings including Plant personnel- Facility builds & Ongoing Extensions. I believe West OzTopia ‘Dissolves into Supply’ between 700 >1000 Tonnes of this Crap per Year. That’s 7000 >10000 Tonnes every Decade. Options time = Dissolve into Utilities for Mass Consumption & lowering Physical/Neuro ‘Resistance’ as a Bonus, OR; Burn said FaciliTies Down @ appropriate time – Complete with ‘Records’, OR; Keep on building NEW ‘Holding FaciliTies’! HMM, the Agony of Decision! LOL.

    New Dictionary definitions; Science; The Factually UNsupported Data process, ReLieIng on CONsensus & BOUGHT opinion, as the NEO ‘Acceptible & Non Questionable’ Format! PROOF of CONsensus is Not Required, NOR Transparency. THIS NEO Format of Science, Dislodges/ Replaces Standard & Historical Foundation of Truthful, Solid Evidences By Tangible Broad spectrum Replicated Independent Trials & Quantifiable Values.
    NAH! I’ve still got Me old Dictionary!
    Wellness, and as usual – Thanks TOTT ‘Inputers’!

    1. Exactly John, and to add it was a waste product from the aluminim industry wasn’t it? A way to dump it and getting paid for it, how criminal. It also dumbs down the community so they can’t think for themselves and walk around worrying about their health issues instead. Why do so many people believe the lies of fluoride in toothpaste too? Antother one of the biggest cons in history attacking the humans and the enviroment.

  3. Here we go again. The sick 😷 system pushing their fake ideology on the public. Eff off and leave us alone. If people choose to poison ☠️ themselves there’s plenty of toxic toothpastes and mouthwashes to choose from. Not that that crap 💩 does any good.

    1. There is a long history of attacking us, the medical cartel even prevented anything that mentions cure for cancer. Here is a great website where you can read up on the history and how long it has been going on:

      1. Thanks Lin. I’ve heard many speakers talk about this history through the various webinars I listen to. I’ve become somewhat immune to this type of BS. It’s so obvious that it’s driven by people who do not have any interest in doing what’s actually best for peoples health.

  4. Brisbane had the biggest anti-convid/quax rallies in Australia, so “the controllers” have worked out they need to redouble their efforts to dumb down the populace up there, before too many people wake up and start coming for the perps. More neurotoxic F in the water will help their cause. F provides absolutely NO benefits to the human body…it is just a poison at any level. As Chrystalage points out, if people are silly enough to want more F, they can use F toothpaste. Those early “studies” that supposedly demonstrated reduced tooth decay from adding F to water supplies, did nothing of the sort: they were poorly conducted epidemiological studies without proper controls, and their conclusions were bullshit.

    I think most dentists are as bad as most medical doctors in terms of subservience to Harma. My dentist, in her emailed appointment reminder, still instructs to wear a mask in the surgery and expects clients to be “fully vaccinated.” Can you believe that, after that poison has killed probably in excess of 40 million people globally?! Last year I emailed her my anti-quax/anti-“test” flyers, but they made no impression…her reply email contained the diktats of the dental version of AHPRA…all bullshit. I contemplated changing to a “Covid-awake” dentist, but I quite like her (apart from her Covid silliness), and the situation has resolved itself into a compromise…I never wear a mask and the receptionist knows not to challenge me. Being a dangerous non-quaxxed person, I am treated in a separate surgery. The hygienist and the dentist are fitted out with face masks and “tupperware shields” which suits me fine…that will prevent them shedding spike proteins on me.

    1. I think Dentists are part of the medical cartel too. How they think that masks work is beyond me. And these are supposed to be smart people. Plastic shields may help to stop them spitting on you.

    2. Good on you Graham. Vote against this poison. They try to convince you that is so minute that in the overall scheme of things it makes little impact on anything we could worry about. That is total BS. If this Fluoride (a waste product of the aluminium industry who cannot put it into local water because it kills all the fish and other wild life) is added to our water supply, manufacturers who manufacture our processed foods will use water (fluorided with how much per their product???)Each manufacturer will add “their little bit of F” and so in total what with bread, muesli, cerial,eggs, MEATS, CHICKENS, LAMBS, SAUSAGES YOU NAME IT THAT LITTLE BIT OF FLUORIDE WILL BE ADDED TO IT .burgers,fruit juices fizzy drinks, icecreams etc etc. it will add up to a possible deadly amount which our bodies are not naturally capable or designed to handle, just so those greedy sods can make their millions/oops that should be billions or trillions at the expense of the health of their customers. Do not allow this to happen. THIS IS YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY AND CHILDREN. TELL THEM YOU WILL NO LONGER BUY THEIR “product” AND NO LONGER VOTE FOR THE POLITICIANS WHO VOTE FOR FLUORIDE AND ANY OTHER POISON TO BE ADDED TO OUR FOODS, OUR WATER SUPPLIES AND OUR AIR.
      Anyone would think that these greedy sods would be able to go and live somewhere safer than the planet they have destroyed even for their own families, children, and themselves. That is how greedy they are that they cannot think past the mighty dollar, so what can they eat and drink after they have poisoned everything? It will not be possible to have reserves of real, clean, healthy foods, water, air to last them for them to survive for any length of time.
      Sounds like a futuristic science fiction gory story doesn’t. So Vote Against Them.

      1. Well said Peggy, the accumulation of heavy metals is causing so much grief to humans and wildlife. We need to turn back this tide. Everyone says that the most important thing is their health but will continue to use, ingest and breath in poison. Fragrance is another big issue. You can smell the toxic chemicals everywhere.

  5. I’ve had the Fluro toxic water in my system for 50 odd years, only been on unfiltered tank water the last 4.
    How can you de tox from the forever chemicals? I dont know , But compared to those that took the quax i am lucky.

    1. You can detox the heavy metals from your system, I have been doing Anthony Williams the medical medium protocols. It does involve a lot of changes to your diet and lifestyle, including getting rid of anything that may be toxic in your home. Minimizing your contact with toxins is a good place to start. Our livers are overloaded with too much work, we need to help it.

  6. When I was a kid (before fluoridation of the water in my city) I was forced to take fluoride tablets, as recommended by our dentist at the time. If people want fluoride supplementation, then let the government put it on the PBS and people can purchase it IF THEY SO CHOOSE, just like any other supplement.

    1. Exactly, if they are so convinced it works, we should always be able to choose what heavy metals we want in our bodies. By the way hows your teeth after taking the supplements? My teeth are ruined by mercury fillings, another bad thing that dentists do.

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