May 13, 2024

11 thoughts on “The Return of Australia’s Carbon Tax

  1. ASK, ANY of these ‘IDIOTS’- Because ‘They’ CAN NOT be ‘Educated’, WHAT CO2 IS, WHAT IT DOES, HOW MUCH IS IN THE AIR THAT THEY – ALL- ‘BREATHE’! Then a) Tell ‘Them’ to go back to Their Collective Corporate ‘BOUGHT’ Kennels, where They can ‘Groom’ the Correct Orifice, from which they Communicate. OR b) Get ‘Them’ to ask ANY primary School child, THE SAME questions – Without ‘Interfering’ with said child, Of course!
    YES MINISTER & ANIMAL FARM – Australian Documentaries! = NOTHING CHANGES in the 2 & 2 Half Party SAME Government!

  2. They keep talking about the carbon emitted by vehicles and industry, but my question is – cars produce carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide. So the emissions they are talking about are what? Heavy metals, chemicals, general pollutants, but do they emit actual CO2? yes, they are polluting but how are these affecting CO2 in the atmosphere? Because that is all they seem to be worried about. They’re not worried about smog or mercury or lead or cadmium exposure, only CO2 levels. The amount of CO2 in the air is so small that a doubling of it would give bumper crops and probably more precipitation. Their so-called renewables just aren’t going to cut it. All of this nonsense is just there for control and takeover of the people’s assets, moving ever closer to their beloved One World Government, er, I mean Slavery!

    1. Exactly Jan, so true about the over 100,000 mostly untested for safety chemicals that have been introduced in the last 100 years. Also if they are so worried about emissions why are they still land clearing on mass?

      1. ‘Why are They still Land Clearing En Masse’? = That’s called ‘Development’ ( Maybe ‘FOREIGN INVESTMENT’ – SAME, SAME) PLUS The Odd ‘Brown paper Bag’ = ‘LUNCH’ Money, OR ‘A ‘FEED’ Bag, FROM – Their ‘SPONSORS’! LOL!
        ANIMAL FARM in Collusion – NOT Collision, ADD IN a Little ‘STILL EXISTENT’ OZtopian RUM CORPING, and You have, – THE SOP Factory! – STANDARD OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE!
        The ‘Difference’ between The ‘LAW’ & ‘Criminality’, IS an ‘Imaginary Line’, Which BOTH Sides have 5 EYES -Er, Um, 5 ‘I’s. ‘Investments In Institutionalised Intelligence Interpretation’.

    2. Jan I am certain the Government knows that for decades only Carbon Monoxide comes from exhausts from cars its the petrol that goes in the cars is there key to go to EV. I know an article that TottNews released about the black box which is like Google Maps however on Steroids.
      With the black box in a EV linked with Carbon Credits on your Social Credit Score it looks like when have your 15 minute smart city your not able to drive your car no longer than 15 minutes as you can guarantee many will try to get out will your EV and the black box allow it though controlled by 5G, I am certain we all know the answer to that one…

  3. You said it in a nutshell, tax revenue to be sent to offshore and UN. Nothing to help us mere Australians live a better life with cleaner air. If they spent more money getting rid of the real pollution that effects everyones health it would make sense. This is all just a game to them, to make excuses to take more money from tax payers, businesses and fill the pockets of the elite globalists. And of course to control our lives.

    1. Chemical Permeation. I hope You’re not Preying to – Um, sorry! I forgot that that’s ‘Their’ M.O.
      Continuing; I Hope you’re NOT ‘Praying’ to the White Helmet ‘Science’ ( Loose Term) GODS Cavalry, incorporating the Rubber Stamping EPA – TGA = SAME, SAME!
      Yes, YOU will be Happy to know, that the EPA, IS looking after Your/My Welfare & CurRently, as an OZtopian Citizen, WE are at the BOTTOM of the List for ‘Protection/S’!
      CollAborations; U.Sers of A AND OZtopia; – Taken from U.S. EPA site;
      Australia, a key U.S. ally, is an important environmental partner for EPA in the Asia Pacific Region and faces many similar environmental issues that we face in the U.S. EPA’s works with national and subnational entities in Australia on strengthening environmental institutions and legal structures, enforcement and compliance issues, water, and otherwise sharing of lessons learned in areas of key environmental concerns.
      On October 20, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Australia’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen environmental protection, protect human health, and advance sustainability objectives. The MOU will initially focus on cooperation that furthers Australia’s overhaul of federal environmental regulation in Australia with objective of creating a new national environmental protection agency. As this new “EPA Australia” develops, cooperation will expand to share information and knowledge on a range of areas.
      NO! I DIDN’T see ANY Fanfare regarding ANOTHER CO-OP Stitch-Up, on MSM either!
      Not to be Outdone The EPA (NOT an ‘Independent’ Body) Takes it’s ‘Directives’ from – Er, Um – Apologies – IS in CONsultations with The U.N. CONventions as well.
      Also, I wonder HOW, ALL of those ‘Rail Incidents’ are ‘Playing Out’ for the Co-Operations of the U.S.EPA/ RAILWAY ‘OWNERS’/ PLUS ‘OTHERS’! Then there’s ALL of those ‘Mysterious’ U.S. Food Processing Demolitions – Er, Um – ‘Random’ Incidents, with NO AppaRent EPA Oversights! = Gives me Great ‘CONfidence’!
      Literature Coming Soon – Available on AmazonIng; Hard ‘Bound’ or ‘E’ Format. No TRANScryption currently available.
      ‘Once Upon a Time, IN the EPA CorpoRAT- SINthetic land of NOD!’ – Author; W. Wink’N. Nudge.

  4. Apart from the Carbon HOAX, I wonder Which Produces MORE ‘Harmful ‘E’missIons’?
    Is IT;
    A) MSM ALL Spectrum Journalistic H.I.P. Reporting ([ Hand In Pants] – I’m Sure it’s a Political GlobAlist ALL INCLUSIVENESS ‘Shareware’ Portfolio/PackAge). B) THE Govt/ C.O.M.I.C Cabals Ucrainial/Yemen/ U.S/U.K/NATO/Israeli Global Military ‘SPONSORSHIPS’. C) The Political ‘Outgoings’ in CAN’TBERRA ( Includes MASS-Debating Gaseous Outputs, For ZERO Tangible Movement [ AH! NETT ZERO’s REAL MEANING!]). D) A.I. ‘E’Missions. CurRent A.I. POWER CON-SUMptIons (And Therefore Emissions) in the United States alone are ‘Valued/ Rated at’ ( NOT inclusive of ‘Thermal Signatures’) Approx 35>40 GigaWatts [GW]( 1 Nuclear Power Plant produces 1 GW per Turbine Per Cycle, The Most Efficient Coal fired Power Station produces 0.9 GW per Turbine Per Cycle. – NONE Include ‘Emissions’ associated with ‘Other Services’ – Maintenance/Removal/ Etc.) Not sure what Australia’s A.I. (Including HAARP/Defence Directorate ‘Assets’/ JOHR ‘Systems’/4 & 5G – U.N.S.M.A.R.T Ghettos -‘E’mission Numbers ‘Crunch at’ – PLUS THERMAL OUTPUTS- For ‘GLOBAL WARming – CONsPiracy Theorists’ AGENCIES! So for Students of Math, IN the U.Sers of A, CuRently, 35 > 40 COMPLETE Energy Turbines are being used to JUST POWER A.I. = DO THAT ON STAND ALONE ‘RENEWABLES’!
    OR, Finally ; E) My Domestic Roma tomato patch.
    YES! YOU GOT IT! = OBVIOUSLY ‘E’! “Why with the Power of the Farce, DO, Folks ALWAYS, Pick ‘E’?”
    Side Note; Anyone Else having ‘Issues’ with comments sent?
    Wellness to the Unified US!

  5. Climate Change is a great hoax by going Carbon Zero the less earth has Co2 makes it difficult for trees to survive during their photosynthesis as Co2 is needed. Even though Oxygen of 65% is created with Algae and phytoplankton in the Oceans. Trees is crucial also to the Ecosystem…
    Carbon Tax this is just one more step closer to Carbon Zero by 2050

      1. They think that by getting rid of most of us that they will have the planet to themselves, plus a few slaves to do the work that robots can’t, but I can see that this will not work as it needs a cohesive, large, diverse society with freedom of thought and action for any type of innovation and imagination that would evolve the human race into something greater. Communism, socialism and feudalism never works for long as can be seen in history past. We should be learning from past mistakes in history but seem not to.

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