May 14, 2024

4 thoughts on “Unemployment leading to mass ‘Work for the Dole’

  1. This is beyond upsetting now. I cant fathom what the future holds for our children. Is there anyone brave enough to stand up anymore?…or even see

  2. Unfortunately I agree with you that we are heading towards a world where people are enslaved. With millions out of work and no jobs and this scenario is only going to get worse, work for the dole is step one isnt it? All because of decades of successful programming of the masses. They have done a good job on them havent they? The believers (of the Govt bs) and non-believers are at war with each other right now. People have been physically attacked in the street for not social distancing and not wearing masks. Where does that end? Only with a huge push back, we only need 10% of the population to say NO…we are having NO MORE of this!

  3. There is work for those who will do anything, today it’s hard to get someone who will mainly do garden weeding.
    On the spot decisions is often a good idea, calling around to people’s homes with a Ute or trailer to pick up rubbish that has been lying around for years.
    Doing small odd jobs from one house to another, word of mouth will increase prospects or have a letter box delivery telling people you are calling in their street to take rubbish away on a certain day, you may need a green/blue card if you need to go inside a person’s home. Give your name, address & mobile to the Local Member telling him what you are doing to let people know you are honest.
    Washing Council Buses is a job that is awkward and people give up on doing it, vacuuming inside the buses & washing buses in the rain etc was the negative.
    Working in a Butcher shop doing the horrible jobs.
    Being a Trolley Boy for grocery shops.
    Anyone can keep a job and improve themselves if they are prepared to humble themselves and be ready to be told what to do , which is especially hard for the male youths to do, so be prepared.
    Careful of the companies that try and help you get a job, many do almost nothing for you , so word of mouth which ones are the best is a good idea, some refuse to let you go to another Job placement company & you can be tied up with them & nothing you can do about it………. keeping at a not so good job for six months can put you in good for a better job later.

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